Tao Wang
Associate Professor
Tao Wang,
Department of Physics,
East China Normal University,
Shanghai 200241, P. R. China
Office: 429 Physics Building
E-mail: *****@phy.ecnu.edu.cn (where *****=twang)
Inflation has almost been a pillar of the standard model of cosmology, but its details are still unclear. Upcoming observations will provide us with opportunities to further study the inflationary dynamics.
Dark matter is one of the most impotant problems in high energy physics, well established by astrophysical and cosmological observations. Both theoretical and experimental efforts are necessary to understand its nature and properties.
Dark energy might be an interesting idea to explain the accellerated expansion of the Universe, if the cosmological constant is disfavored by future observational data. Another explanation is modifying the Einstein gravity.
Black holes, especially their thermodynamics, have inspired scholars to study gravity from different new ways. Notable ideas include gravity/field theory dualities and emergent gravity. I also have a hobby to hunt for exact black hole solutions in high-dimensional or modified gravity theories.
String theory is the most attractive approach to quantum gravity. Today it is difficult to make a real breakthrough on string theory or quantum gravity. However, the problem of quantum gravity is well-defined and deserves pondering.