
Stefano Boccaletti:Parenclitic networks: how to uncover new functions and structural information in biologicaldata


讲座题目:how to uncover new functions and structural information in biologicaldata

主讲人:Stefano Boccaletti


开始时间:2017-03-30 10:00:00

结束时间:2017-03-30 11:00:00




Stefano Boccaletti got hisPhD in Physics at the University of Florence on 1995, and a PhD honoris causaat the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid on 2015.  From January 1998 to September 1998 he hasbeen Associated Professor at the Physics Department of the University ofNavarre in Spain. In October 1998 he was awarded the individual EU grant “MarieCurie” n. ERBFMBICT983466.

From March 2001 tillDecember 2005 he has been Full Researcher at the National Institute of Opticsin Italy. From January 2006 he is full researcher at the CNR-Institute forComplex Systems, and Visiting Scientist / Honorary Professor of 15International Universities.

Currently (as well as from2007 till 2011) he is (was) the Scientific Attache' at the Italian Embassy inIsrael.

He is Author of 349 publicationson Physics Journals (including 5 Physics Reports and more than 20 PRL), whichreceived a total of more than 15,000 citations.

Editor of 4 books. Editor inChief of Chaos Solitons and Fractals. He has been invited to about 75International Conferences and Seminars as a lecturer, and he directly organized45 International Workshops.