讲座题目: Multilepton Higgs Decays through the Dark Portal(物理学系列学术报告)
主讲人:阮自强 研究员
主持人:薛讯 教授
开始时间:2013-05-09 13:00
主办单位:物理系 科技处
获得荣誉:2011台北市Thomson Reuters研究前沿奖;1994中国自然科学奖
The U(1)_D gauge sector containing one dark Higgs boson h_D and one dark photon gamma_D may be explored through the decays of the 126 GeV particle discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), assumed here as the heavier mass eigenstate h_1 in the mixing of the standard model h with h_D. Future searches for signals of multilepton jets at the LHC may reveal the existence of this possible dark sector governed simply by the original Abelian Higgs model.