主讲人:王安忠 教授主持人:薛迅 教授
开始时间:2013-01-09 14:00
Anzhong Wang教授:
教授(Professor), 2006.8 – 现在,美国贝勒大学物理系 (Baylor University)
客座教授(Professor), 2004.8 – 现在,中国浙江工业大学理学院
教授(Professor), 2001.1–2003.8, 巴西里约热内卢州立大学物理系(State U. of Rio de Janeiro).
副教授(Associate Prof.),1996.7-2000.12,巴西 里约热内卢州立大学物理系(State U. of Rio de Janeiro)
副教授(Associate Prof.), 1994.1-1996.7, 巴西里约热内卢国立天文台(Brazilian National Observatory)
助理教授(Assistant Porf.),1992.6-1993.12, 巴西圣保罗Campinas州立大学应用数学系(Sao Paulo State University at Campinas)
博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow), 1991.2-1992.6, 希腊Crete和Ioannina大学物理系 (Universities of Crete and Ioannina)
I shall give a brief introduction to the theory of quantum gravity at Lifshitz fixed points, proposed recently (2009) by Petro Horava, the so-called Horava-Lifshitz theory of quantum gravity. Then, I state clearly its major challenges in its original carnation, and show how they might be resolved in two different approaches with an enlarged local U(1) symmetry, one is with the projectability condition, and the other is without. The inclusion of an U(1) symmetry makes the theory have the same degree of freedom as that of general relativity, i.e., only massless spin-2 gravitons exist. Finally, I shall present some concluding remarks (if there is any), and point out some future work.